Why am I writing this blog?
- Craig Farnsworth
- Euclid (Cleveland), Ohio, United States
- Here I share the amazing spiritual journey I began on July 19, 2007. I received the diagnosis of a golf-ball-sized tumor on top of the left parietal lobe (motor functions) of my brain. I had severe symptoms all up and down the right side of my body and had received an MRI scan of my brain. In August 2007, I learned that my diagnosis was a Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). This is a common form of fast-growing brain cancer with a challenging prognosis. That's the external story about that moment in time. In the spiritual world I found (actually more like it found me) what I came to call the Fact-Based Spirit-Guided Path, and I began an amazing journey. After October of 2008, I lost the use of my right arm, and in early 2009, my cognitive abilities were struggling, and treatment options ended. My wife, Susanne, then began doing most of the blog postings, with my review and input whenever possible. I continued to apply the Fact-Based Spirit-Guided Path as the adventure continued. My soul then flew to the Kingdom of God on July 1, 2009. Thanks for your interest in my journey. Craig
Susanne's Perspective
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Update on Craig and Susanne 8-30-08
Friday, August 29, 2008
Surgery and Intensive Care 8-27 and 8-28
Emergency 8-25-08
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Craig in Rehab; Update 8-24-08
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Craig Out of Intensive Care
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
update on craig
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tumor Back - Surgery to Remove 8-18
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Week of Chemo #6 Accomplished!: August 4 to 10
A couple of times I experienced pre-seizure-type activity. My chest would begin to quiver but I was able to control it with relaxation and touch as I described during the hospital stay for seizure activity in February. So, I didn’t need to take extra medication, which was good.
Susanne did fix a couple of new food items this week sweetened with agave (sweetener from a cactus plant) to appeal to my sweet-tooth without adding sugar into the diet. One was strawberry sorbet and the other was banana-date nut bread.
On Tuesday, we had a new garage door installed to replace the one from 1956 that came with the house and no longer worked.
On Friday, 8-8-08, We thoroughly enjoyed watching the Olympics opening ceremonies….awesome and very dignified. The opening drumming was particularly moving. Those of you who know what our TV is like and that we never watch TV will be amazed that we actually sat and enjoyed the fuzzy performance!
On Saturday, I had a mini-reunion with guys that I was in an Astronomy Club with during high school (during the 1960’s). Turns out that two of them, who are still involved with the club, one currently acting as president, had been recently wondering whatever happened to me. A few days later, I found one of them on FaceBook. He was pretty surprised! Back in the 60’s (the club started in 1963) we were just a bunch of high school guys with telescopes. They have since purchased land and built an observatory, which I’m looking forward to seeing. We were supposed to be stargazing together last night, but rain dampened the event. I was having difficulty walking, but the park had a wheelchair, so Susanne pushed me around. We saw a makeshift indoor planetarium show, visited with the guys a bit, and headed home.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Too Skinny to be Pregnant: July 28 to August 3
Dr. Nock, the oncologist, approved moving forward with the next round of chemotherapy, which will start August 4. My blood counts had improved across the board, even achieving normal on the white blood count. The only low one was platelets, but they were just good enough to do chemo. This will be my 6th of 6 prescribed rounds, but since there was a gap between the January and April rounds due to infection surgery, the doctor is leaning towards adding a seventh round so that there are 6 in a row. Following my next MRI, August 18, we will decide if I need to do 1 more round the week of September 1. Obviously, if it has any potential to affect my long-term survival, I’ll do the extra round…but I’d sure like to be finished with treatment.
We did a detailed review of the known side effects of the chemotherapy drug (Temodar) and found that a significant number of them I am now experiencing to some extent:
- Joint and muscle pain
- Weakness
- Reduced coordination (both walking and writing)
- Constipation
- Some speech impairment
- Fatigue
- Abnormal gait
- Reduced concentration
In the Tuesday Gathering Place support group people often speak of “Chemo-brain”…I think I am now experiencing that, too, unfortunately. I’m still doing well managing our finances, but a couple of payments this month went to the wrong places. I struggle when I have to cope with too many details at once. Things that used to be simple for me to grasp are sometimes overwhelming. Some of the fuzzy thinking might be due to the steroids as well—it’s hard to tell for sure. But that’s just how it is for right now. (And, it’s a good thing Susanne edits my posts before you see them!)
I’m ramping down on the steroids now. At the beginning, they seemed to help reduce the numbness in my foot and leg and help me walk better. I actually experienced some pain and discomfort instead of numbness for a few days. They don’t seem to be helping me now, though, and slightly elevated blood pressure and blood sugar are indicators that there may be too many side effects from them going on. So, time to stop. The good news is that I have had no seizure activity since July 17.
On the complimentary medicine side, I had a deep-tissue massage and then soak in a hot bath with Dead Sea Salts. Felt really good.
My son, David, and grandson, Aidan, picked me up at the office for lunch on Friday. It was fun to introduce them to some of my colleagues, have lunch, and then go back home. Aidan had his first time by himself with Susanne (Nana) in the play room while Dave and I ran an errand. With all that has occurred since Aidan’s birth in March 2007, we haven’t babysat for him as we normally would. We hope to do it more now.
We scheduled a hot air balloon ride for Saturday, August 2…intended to be our first and the fulfillment of a long-time dream for both Susanne and me. Unfortunately, it was too windy. We will now pray that my health and the weather don’t interfere with our new date in September.
We had a delightful lunch get-together with my cousin Bill