Craig is still experiencing fever and needed closer monitoring today, so he was left in intensive care. We encouraged a small number of people to visit him briefly today, and that seems to have lifted his spirits. He experienced some challenges swallowing pills during the night, so they would not allow him to eat today (no food since dinner on Tuesday!) until his swallowing was assessed. He was finally approved to eat a slightly modified diet at about 4 p.m. (first meal in 3 days!) Yay!
8-28 was a second day in intensive care. His speech is still being affected by the drugs, but improving. He'll be on high doses of antibiotics for quite awhile. Still some fever.
8-28 is our 9th wedding anniversary. We began the day with saying a prayer for marriage and before I left for a break, I was helping him go to the bathroom. So, from the sublime to the mundane! But alive and together. The day ended with more friends and a mini/impromptu anniversary party complete with chocolate chip cookies and Craig feeling much better.
p.s. Sorry for the delay in news - a little busy and blogger locked out access for a few days.
If you both need some smiles, I recommend There are even some inspirational yet very funny pics about "Ceiling Cat."
Thank you, Susanne, for keeping us informed. Prayers continue daily for each of you.
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