Why am I writing this blog?

Euclid (Cleveland), Ohio, United States
Here I share the amazing spiritual journey I began on July 19, 2007. I received the diagnosis of a golf-ball-sized tumor on top of the left parietal lobe (motor functions) of my brain. I had severe symptoms all up and down the right side of my body and had received an MRI scan of my brain. In August 2007, I learned that my diagnosis was a Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). This is a common form of fast-growing brain cancer with a challenging prognosis. That's the external story about that moment in time. In the spiritual world I found (actually more like it found me) what I came to call the Fact-Based Spirit-Guided Path, and I began an amazing journey. After October of 2008, I lost the use of my right arm, and in early 2009, my cognitive abilities were struggling, and treatment options ended. My wife, Susanne, then began doing most of the blog postings, with my review and input whenever possible. I continued to apply the Fact-Based Spirit-Guided Path as the adventure continued. My soul then flew to the Kingdom of God on July 1, 2009. Thanks for your interest in my journey. Craig

Susanne's Perspective

During this entire journey, my wife, Susanne, had an entirely different kind of experience. Initially she added comments to some of my posts describing her experience of the moments I discussed and offerred perspectives on our relationship. In the latter stage of this journey, she is writing the blog, as I am no longer able to do so. I am truly delighted that she is doing so. Susanne and I work together as marriage educators/relationship coaches and she has written many books on preparing for and strengthening marriages so you can count on her comments to be insightful and poignant.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Craig Out of Intensive Care

Craig is out of intensive care and in a regular room. He'll probably be discharged to a rehab center in the next 48 hours. Anyone who wants to send a card should send it to the house and I'll deliver it: Craig Farnsworth, 25241 Chatworth Drive, Euclid, OH 44117. Rehab will be vital - he is still only slightly moving his right leg, which the surgeon says is connected to the tumor removal. His right arm is responsive to pinching (no, I didn't do it, but they did!), which is a good sign, but it's not moving at all. This is apparently due to the seizures experienced during surgery damaging the nerves. Cognitively he was more alert today, smiling more, interacting more with staff, etc. Hopefully he'll sleep better out of ICU. We found out today that they only got 90% of the tumor out (it's definitely still cancerous) and the remainder is wrapped around critical blood vessels. Removal would have likely caused a stroke. This also limits treatment options, but doesn't eliminate all of them. We've been given a list of conventional and experimental choices, and Craig has a month of recovery or so for us to consider what to do next, get second opinions, etc. Without treatment (one of the options listed), it will likely grow back within a few months. So, your prayers for us to be guided through this process are appreciated. Love, Susanne


Anonymous said...

Dear Craig and Susanne,

You are both in my thoughts and prayers.



Anonymous said...

Much love and prayers to you both. Special healing prayers being said at the House of Worship, too.
With a big smooshy hug,

starnasia said...

Dear Craig and Susanne,
We are sending you many prayers and positive everything.

Christi, Lili and Wei
in Singapore

Unknown said...

Dear Craig and Susanne,
Be assured of my ardent prayers suplicating healing from the All Sufficing, the Healing, the Abiding One.
